I am extremely pleased at what the people of this country are doing. They are standing up for themselves and not backing down to elitist government officials in Washington who want to waste all of our money away. They are uniting under the principals that our founding father's united under: freedom. Republicans, Libertarians, Independents, and even Democrats participated in the protests.
The mainstream media "missed it" again, or more ignored it. I was dissapointed, yet not suprised, at the media's reaction to this. Here is a review on each outlet's coverage:
NBC: NBC was, as usual, liberally biased. Hosts like Rachel Madow, Chris Matthews, and Keith Olbermann mocked the Tea Parties. Madow also tried to divide those at the Tea Parties saying that there was a controversy brewing between Republicans and Libertarians, even though there was not.
New York Times: The NY Times completely ignored this story. Didn't even bother to mock it or make fun of it because they think they're too "good" for the American people (even though their the lowest of the low).
CNN: CNN, although a liberal network, is usually pretty good at controling liberal rants or overly biased opinion on their network. However, they were almost worse than MSNBC when one of their reporters asked a protester in Chicago why he was there. The man replied that he was outraged that Obama compared himself to Lincoln when his values are distorted. The CNN Reporter screamed, "What does that have to do with taxes!?" She then commented that the protests were nothing but a fake grassroots protest organized by Fox News, which is appaulingly untrue.
Another problem that I have is President Obama's response to this. A few days ago Obama released a report to Homeland warning of "a rise in right-wing extremeism." This is also appauling. President Obama believes that anyone who disagrees with him is an "extremeist."
Despite all of this censorship and attempted silencing, the American people will rule as the bigger voice and the more important at that. The government will never be able to silence the American people. We are uniting. We are rebeling against big government and preserving the original cause of our founding fathers. Perhaps we could say we are "Preserving Conservatism."
Thank you to all who went to Tea Parties today. I did not make it to one, but I support the cause all the way and hope to make it to the next one. Thank you for preserving our values. Do not stand down. Fight for your rights. God Bless America.

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