Perez Hilton asked Miss California if she thought if every state should legalize gay marriage like Vermont recently did. Miss Cali responded that she respected people's opinions and thought it was great that people can chose gay or stright, but that a marriage is between one man and one woman. That answer lost her the contest! Since whn have these people dropped so low that they fail a Beauty Peagant contestant just because they don't agree with her? This is ridiculous and I strongly urge Donald Trump, the head of the contest, to force those responsible for this to apologize for this or to fire them (no pun intended).
Also, Washington is in the midst of yet another scandal. Information has come out that the Bush administration participated in an enhanced interrigation technique called waterboarding that is illegal. President Obama originally said that he was not going to release the documents containing proof of these incidents and that he would drop the case. The far-left loons then spoke up, condemning his actions. The White House then flip-flopped and decided that the documents may be released. The information retained from the waterboarding helped avoid a terrorist attack that may have been similar to 9/11 on L.A.'s tallest building. I would much rather have one man waterboarded than thousands killed. It is that simple. I suggest the President drop this case immediately.

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