Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sen.Boxer gets slammed over Cap and Trade for racial comments

The President and CEO of the Black Chamber of Commerce attended testimony over the Environment and Public Works on Thursday. Sen. Boxer (D-CA), the same woman who scolded a man in the service for calling her ma'am, was at that testimony. Sen. Boxer disagreed with Harry C. Alford, the President and CEO, so she decided to use his race against him.

Boxer quoted the head of "100 Black Men" saying that the Cap and Trade bill would help our society. She was suggesting that he should support the bill simply because other black people do, too. That is racism.

She brought race into the debate, which has nothing to do with the environment. She suggested that all African-Americans are the same, and that he should be supporting the bill just because other African-Americans do. It is pure racism to use someone's race against them, especially when the topic has nothing to do with race.

Alford would not stand for that racism. He fired back at her and flustered her to the point where she looked like she was going to cry. Good for him. Here is a video of the arguement:

We all know how nasty this Cap and Trade is. It is set up to damage corperations and tax customers out of control. Please, do not let the liberal Democrats shut you up. Boxer tried it, but Alford had none of it. By like Harry Alford. Call your senator and tell them how much you hate this bill.

Copy and paste the following like into your browser for a list of senator's telephone numbers:

Also, please call the following 8 "Republican" congressmen that voted for Cap and Trade and tell them how much you are upset with them:

Mary Bono Mack (R-CA)
Michael Castle (R-DE)
Mark Kirk (R-IL)
Leonard Lance (R-NJ)
Frank Lobiondo (R-NJ)
John M. McHugh (R-NY)
Dave Reichart (R-WA)
Chris Smith (R-NJ)

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