Obama cited the Koran multiple times, more than double the times he cited the Bible. The basic overall tone of the speech was him pretending to be a Muslim. I know that sounds ignorant, but it is true. He also referred to himself as Barack Hussein Obama in his speech. During the campaign, McCain/Palin supporters were called racist and ignorant when we called him that. Now he is referring to himself as that? Sounds like hipocracy to me. Another thing is that he mentioned that his father was a Muslim. Again, that is something that was considered racist during the campaign. In fact, the Obama campaign denied that his father was Muslim and said that his father was actually an atheist. Again, hipocracy.
Another very troubling thing that he said throughout the speech was said when referring to 9/11. The President said that 9/11 had "...led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights." What does he expect? When American find out that 9/11 was set up by an Islamic extremeist group, what else are they supposed to think? American do not think that Muslims are all bad people. However, it is natural to be a bit skeptical of Muslims when you find out that a group of them killed 3,000 of your fellow Americans!
Not only did his references to 9/11 make me angry, but also his references to Israel. Obama said that, although he wants to remain strongly allied with Israel, but that the Palestinians "have suffered in pursuit of a homeland." This troubled me because he did not mention that the reason that it was the Palestinians that re-started the chaos by firing missles at schools and hospitals in Israel.
Obama is now visiting Germany. In a press conference with Germany's PM, Obama said that Germany "has not made any hard commitments" when referring to Germany possibly taking in some released prisoners from Gitmo. He said, however, that he had not asked for any commitments. All of this is his way of saying that Germany said "no" when he asked them to take in Gitmo prisoners, but he never actually wanted them to say "yes" in the first place, which we all know isn't true. Obama also visited Buchenwald, a major Nazi concentration camp from World War II. While there, Obama said that we must "fight evil." I hope he realizes that we are currently fighting people in the middle east that are also evil and that we cannot pull out. We especially must focus on Iran to avaoid another Holocaust from happening.
In conclusion, Obama's overseas trip has been another, as Sean Hannity said, "apology tour" and he is truely embarassing the people of this country and weakening our ties with countries like Israel and Germany.

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